Moreover, the skin color is related to the regions and areas where the people born and live. Sunlight has a greater impact on the skin color. Because due to sunlight the skin tone changes the color of the skin gets darker and dull. Other factors may include the sunlight and dirt particles in the air, the sunlight may affect the skin most drastically.

Skin tones and skin colors are inherited from the parents and the other family members but other factors also affect the skin tone. Copper Medium brown People of India, Pakistan, and the Philippines. Christina Hendricks Saddle brown Brown color and red undertone Zawe Ashton Cacao Dark brown color and red tinge Idris Alba Teak Hardwood and brown color Adaptive color Almond Color like almonds Mindy Kaling Pecan Lighter than caramel shade Robert Pattinson Sable Dark brown DuckieThot Mustard Turmeric color Rare Espresso Deep brown shade AdeolaAriyo Praline Medium brown Shay Mitchell Umber Brown color Rare Peaches and cream Pale skin and tinge of pink Julia Roberts Chestnut Dar tan shade Isa Rae Mahogany Rusty and reddish-brown Bible characters Buff Light brown to orange Rare Bisque Lighter than almond shade Americans and American Africans Bronze Darker than tanning Jennifer Lopez Caramel Light brown to deep brown Meghan good Honey Honey brown color Penelope Cruz Alabaster Fair and blemish-free Kristen Stewart Ivory Bit darker than porcelain Isla Fisher Carotenoid Yellow-brown undertones Rare Hickory Light to dark brown color Rare Beige Light brown color with gray tint Kate Hudson Golden Slight yellow to golden Some Americans. Skin Tone Names Chart Skin Tone Names Features Name of celebrities Olive This skin tone has a green tint in it. This also depends on the region and area where the person born. These skin names are inherited from the family. Every skin tone has its features and specifications. With their specifications and qualities, these skin tones are present worldwide. Skin tone is the color of the skin in which the texture is not involved because the texture is something that is carried by the human on an individual basis. Skin tone is something that is inherited by the parents and the family in which the people born.

In this article, we have explained Skin Tone Names along with a detailed comparison chart.