
Framemaker versions
Framemaker versions

framemaker versions

From this perspective, a comparison is not as unlikely as you might think. In other words, both FrameMaker and are publishing programs with limited capabilities compared to Adobe InDesign or QuarkXPress. Similarly, while ’s Writer is often described as a Microsoft Word clone because of obvious borrowings in its interface, it would be more accurate to describe it as a cross between Microsoft Word and Microsoft Publisher. While brochures and posters can be done in FrameMaker (I’ve done both), it is not a designer’s first choice of tools for these jobs. Instead, it is a niche product for long documents, such as books, technical manuals, and dissertations. Contrary to common assumptions, FrameMaker is not a desktop publishing program. Moreover, its reputation is generally misplaced.

framemaker versions

While FrameMaker remains a stable and flexible product, its heyday is long past, and its features have not kept pace with modern expectations. “OOo is a marginally competent word processor.” However, a functional comparison of several important desktop publishing features in both products shows that the products are more comparable than you might think.įrameMaker has a reputation far out of keeping with its reality. “FrameMaker is a hugely capable publishing product,” my editor at Newsforge admonished me. Replace Adobe FrameMaker with Writer? Most people’s first reaction is amused disbelief.

Framemaker versions